On Liberty and Freedom

Liberty and Freedom in America are under attack by the very people designated with safeguarding our country, and our Constitution. It's time for America to awaken, and take back our nation.


New Site Location

Posted by JAW

Come see us at www.onlibertyandfreedom.com

The new site is up and running, and we look forward to seeing you there!




We're up at www.onlibertyandfreedom.com

Posted by JAW

Good News!

We're back up and running at www.onlibertyandfreedom.com

I would like to apologize for the interruption--the site was hit by hackers, and it's taken this long to get everything back in order and running again.

I hope you will remain patient while we work out a few little bugs and get things where we want them to be over the next few weeks, and please know that your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

